The Manawatū river flows through all of us. It is precious because it is ours.
Kei te ora te wai, kei te ora te whenua, kei te ora te tangata
If the water is healthy, the land and the people are nourished
The Manawatū River flows through all of us, it shapes our region and reflects our people. It is our treasure, our taonga, and only by working collectively can we protect and care for it, ensuring our awa flourishes for generations to come. This shared belief led to the Manawatū River Leaders’ Accord, working together we can drive change.
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The Accord brought us together and set a vision and goals for improving the health of the awa. The next step was to identify priority areas and understand where the most impact could be made. The 2011-16 Action Plan was developed and launched in July 2011. Accord members were committed to making a change with six priorities and over 130 tasks identified in a huge collaborative effort.