Celebrate the reopening of the River Loop Reserve and all the projects aimed at improving the mauri and health of our awa.
There will be something for everyone, both off and on the water. Bring the family down for a day of live bands, food, exhibitions, games, kapa haka and waiata from local schools, plus; games, water sports and a historic boat convoy. Watch a wood carving exhibition, or view a sculpture and photography exhibition in Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.
The event is free to attend, however, jetski rides, horse-drawn tram rides and windmill tours are fee-paying activities. Community groups will be fundraising at the event and foodtrucks will be on-site.
“The Festival is a celebration of actions to improve the river and the showcasing of the rejuvenated River Loop is a perfect example of one such project,” Chair Richard Thompson said.
The festival has been made possible by Horowhenua District Council, Horizons Regional Council, Ngāti Raukawa, Save Our River Trust, Te Awahou Riverside Cultural Park and Foxton Tourism and Destination Association.
A full programme of events will be published a fortnight ahead of the event.
For more information about the Manawatū River Improvement Festival, see the Facebook event page.